Term Papers For Sale and Academic Integrity

Looking solely towards plagiarism debates and copyright infringement issues will render the multitudes of online agencies which give away term papers for free, or offer them for sale. Considered ‘paper mills’ for their quick pay-and-produce methods, multitudes of collegiate officials are inspecting why students feel compelled to cheat by purchasing term papers instead of asking for assistance with them. In short, the overall academic integrity is being jeopardized when outsiders provide cheats such as completed term papers as it robs the students of educational value. Why do students continue this trend then?

Lack of Teaching

While colleges tend to point their finger at students for cheating, faculties refuse to see the educational misguidance students are being exposed to. When something is not being conveyed correct and suddenly students are required to complete assignments, there is nothing but confusion on the student’s part. Therefore, the student is forced to purchase their term papers online and call these assignments their own as opposed to having proper instructional guidance to fall back on. Also, with the lack of teaching, comes the lack of improperly available help; students are often turned away when requesting assistance in completing term papers which forces them to buy these via the internet.

Unreasonable Timeframes

Although slightly more infrequent, teachers have been known to assign term papers with unreasonable timelines which student athletes or those with remedial learning issues cannot complete. So, to make sure the deadlines are met, students will order and download professionally written term papers and satisfy the assignment without anyone knowing who really completed the task. Again, this falls back onto the faculty for allowing unjustifiable term paper deadlines to be given to fellow students.


Quite frankly, students would rather spend their days with friends or talking across the internet instead of taking on the daunting task of writing term papers. These same students care little about academic integrity and feel that someone else writing these papers would be more suitable for their lifestyles. Since many college kids can fake prepaid debit cards to reflect some else’s name, it’s relatively simply to keep their personal names away from the limelight. If schools were better equipped with teachers that were less altruistic, many issues that faculty feels are academically improper would subside completely.

Regardless of blames given to students for copying, buying or obtaining written works using unethically deemed methods, high schools and colleges need to look deeply into the way their conveying messages while also paying attention to some unreasonably purported term paper writing requests which students receive every day across the world. Although some may stop, the writing sales will continue to grow regardless of how things are mandated since not every student will know term paper writing very well, if at all.
